What is it Like to Have Treatment at UltraSlim Palm Beach?

What is it like to have treatment at UltraSlim Palm Beach? As technology in the health and wellness arena continues to advance at light speed, we understand clients have many options available to lose fat, tighten skin or treat pain using medical devices.  With all the information out there, getting the right information and making the decision can be so overwhelming we thought we would share our process. 

Here at UltraSlim Palm Beach, our team wants you to feel comfortable coming in with a clear idea of how the technology works and what the treatment entails. Although each client is unique, the underlying processes are the same.  Please know we follow all medical protocols required for Covid-19.  Temperatures are taken upon arrival.  All clients are required to wear a mask in the common areas.  You may remove them in the treatment room and sauna.  Rooms and equipment are sanitized between patients.  We also limit our patients to accommodate social distancing in our waiting room as much as possible. 

1. Consultation
Call to schedule an appointment for your complementary consultation.  Allow 30-45 minutes so we can evaluate you; your current status, your health history, your questions and most importantly, your goals.  We strive to work with our clients to establish a positive mindset while creating realistic and meaningful expectations for your outcome.  If we find everything is a good match, we complete the paperwork and schedule your treatment sessions.

2. Your First Session
Upon arrival for your first treatment, photos will be taken for both the fat loss and skin rejuvenation treatments.  We have state of the art 3D camera software that allows us to objectively compare your before and after photos with inch and volume measurements calculated for the fat loss.  You will then enter the treatment room where you will expose the area to be treated for skin rejuvenation or pain.  For fat loss treatments, you will disrobe down to undergarments.   Once on the table, our certified technician will place the UltraSlim light panel over the body for treatment.  Fat loss involves lying on the table for four 8 minute exposures around the body while skin and pain treatments require 20 minute exposures over each area. 

3. The Technology
Feel confident knowing the UltraSlim technology is FDA cleared for fat loss, skin rejuvenation and pain.  UltraSlim is the only Level One Risk Rated non-invasive medical device available for these treatments.  This not only separates us from our competitors but also means zero documented side effects and no downtime for you. 

4. Your Team
Feel confident knowing your team is certified by the manufacturer and trained in all aspects of the equipment and its applications.  Nicky and Denise also have 30+ years experience in the numerous facets of the medical arena as well as health and wellness.  Nicky is a Board Certified Functional Nutritionist while Denise is a Certified Integrative Health Coach.  Although the technology works on its own, for those clients who are open, we offer options to work with them helping to create lifestyle changes to optimize their results and live a healthier life overall.

5. Final Photos
We will take photos one week after your 6th fat loss treatment and two weeks after your 6th face or skin rejuvenation treatment.  We will schedule a time to analyze your results, compare to your goals and determine further treatments. 

6. The Results
During your consultation, we share many of our remarkable before and after photos along with testimonials from our clients. 

We look forward to working with you to add your AMAZING results to the list. 

What are you waiting for?